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TheDigitalMusicExperts.com (877)WiFi-HiFi

   High Performance Music Systems for your 21st Century Digital Lifestyle                     (877) 943-4443


The videos on this page show how the AVI-d ADM Series speakers can be incorporated into various digital music playback systems.

The first (top) video shows how the AVI-d ADM Series speakers can be used with a WIFI enabled laptop computer and the Apple Airport Express to play your iTunes music library using AirTunes.

The second (bottom) video shows how the AVI-d ADM Series speakers can be used with the Squeezebox Duet network music player and remote controller to play your music library using Squeeze Center.  This system is highly compact, easy to set up and a breeze to operate, all the while offering exceptional musical performance.

These systems, and others that you will find on our website, are truly the first hi-fi systems of the 21st century.

We wish to thank Darren Maynes for the use of his videos, and all the hard work he has put into these creations.

AVI ADM 9 Demonstration Videos

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